Pokemon Go – How to Make a Pokeball

Pokemon Go - How to make a Pokeball

Pokemon Go –  How to Make a Pokeball is an easy kids craft idea which doesn’t take long to make. Why not use them on your very own Pokémon Go game.

So let’s get started.

Pokemon Go – How to Make a Pokeball

First, let’s get everything ready so you can leave the little ones to get busy and avoid all those interruptions.

Skill Level – Easy

Time Required – 20 minutes

What you will need

  • Foam/ Styrofoam Balls
  • Red / black / white acrylic paint
  • Paint Brushes
  • White foam
  • Black Marker
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • A Dime & a quarter

Step 1

Fine the seam of the ball.  This will be your half way mark for painting. Paint one half white.  I know this seams strange as the foam ball is already white but it gives your Pokeball a more even surface.  Let dry.

Step 2

Now that the white side has dried you can paint the other side red. It’s okay if you paint slightly over the white as you will be putting a black band around the centre which covers any little slips. Let dry.

Step 3

The black band can be done several ways.  First you will need to mark out the circle for the button.  Find the center of the ball then use the Dime to mark out the button by tracing around the coin with a pencil. Paint the circle black.

You can freestyle paint a band around the foam ball about 10mm thick or you can draw two lines around the center and fill in.  Let dry.

I find it’s easier just to freestyle and then touch it up with a black marker.

Step 4

With the white foam cut out a smaller circle by tracing around a quarter on the foam to use as the top part of your button and glue onto the painted black button.  A quarter is used as it fits nicely inside the Dime sized black button.

Here’s a quick video on Pokemon Go – How to Make a Pokeball


I hope you’ve enjoyed this guide on Pokemon Go – How to Make a Pokeball. If you’ve got some great variations on this craft idea then please feel free to leave them in the comments below.

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